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All the information you need to get started supporting and receiving services from us

Is Children’s Burn Foundation a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization?

Yes, since 1985. 

What is Children’s Burn Foundation Tax ID Number?


Can I volunteer at Children’s Burn Foundation?

If you are interested in interning at the Foundation, sign up on our volunteer page. Internships are currently unpaid positions.

How can I join a support group?

Please contact us if a child in your family has been severely burned and you or the child would like to join our support groups. Contact Kami Collins at

What is CBF's relationship to the Grossman Burn Foundation?

What is CBF's relationship to the Grossman Burn Foundation?

We are completely unrelated.

Can my child attend your burn camps?

If your child is a burn survivor and would like to attend our camps, please read about Camps & Retreats in our Programs section of the website and contact us.

What are the ages of children Children’s Burn Foundation helps?

Children’s Burn Foundation assists child burn survivors ages 0-18.

Does Children’s Burn Foundation only help children at specific hospitals?

No. Children’s Burn Foundation helps children at many hospitals all over the world.

Does Children’s Burn Foundation have a Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Code? 

Yes! Our CFC Code is 81568.

Who is on the Board of Children’s Burn Foundation?

See the About Us sectionBoard of Trustees for a full list of Board members.

What are the different ways I can make a gift?

Gifts can be made online, by check, money order, credit card, stock transfer, and MANY other ways. Check out Ways To Give.

Is my contribution tax deductible?

Any gift to Children’s Burn Foundation for which you do not receive goods or services is fully tax-deductible. Please consult your financial and legal advisors for specific tax information.

Can I designate my gift?

Unrestricted gifts give Children’s Burn Foundation the greatest flexibility to designate funds to the area where there is the greatest need, but you may designate your gift to a specific program. Contact us for more details. 

How can I receive assistance for my child who was burned? 

Please go to our Programs page to determine what services you need. You can fill out the contact us form to follow up. Please contact Chief Program Officer, Tanya Sorkin, at or Program Coordinator, Kami Collins, at further assistance.

If we didn't answer your question, please reach out!


Copyright 2022 by Children's Burn Foundation, a California nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved.

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This website, including but not limited to the photographs and text, may not be reproduced or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, without written permission from Children's Burn Foundation. 


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