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Burn Prevention Education Resources

We have designed resources for you to use in your home, classroom, medical office or organization to keep children of all ages safe from preventable burns! Click on the links below to view these valuable resources:

Newborn to One Year

​Through our Safety Smart Babies Program, we offer partnerships with maternity hospitals, pediatric and other medical partners to provide free materials including burn prevention checklists and bath thermometers for new parents. Educational presentations are available for parents, care providers, social workers, school and child advocacy staff. Presentations and materials are available in English and Spanish.

​To receive free Safety Smart Babies materials or to schedule a free virtual or in-person educational presentation 


or call (818) 907-2822.


Download  checklist for new parents in English


Download  checklist for new parents in Spanish

Toddlers, Pre-Schoolers and Kindergartners

Bernie Burn Story Time is a free in-person, interactive presentation in toddler, pre-school and kindergarten classrooms.


Safety Smart Kids is a free virtual or in-person educational presentation for parents, care providers, social workers, school and child advocacy staff. Staff programs offer information about identifying burns due to child abuse.


Free materials for parents of toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners are available and include a burn prevention checklist and a bath thermometer. Presentations and materials are available in English and Spanish. prevention programs.

Children's Burn Foundation Bath Thermometers (002).jpg
To receive free Safety Smart Kids materials or to schedule a free virtual or in-person presentation, email
or call (818) 907-2822
Click below for the L.A. Troupe Theatre in Education Commercial 
Copy of LA Troupe Video Cover Page (1).jpg
Elementary School Students

This Safety Smart program curriculum has been created for use by elementary school educators to help students become aware of the dangers of fires, burns and scalds and develop responsible behaviors and attitudes towards burn prevention.


L.A. Troupe Theatre in Education is a lively, engaging program that teaches young children life-saving fire safety and burn prevention skills. Free coloring books are available for students with each show.​​​​

Safety Smart Kids brings interactive visual burn prevention programs into individual classrooms or after-school programs for all elementary school ages.


Educational displays, prize wheel and burn prevention materials are available at health fairs/trunk events.

To request free materials or to schedule a presentation


or call (818) 907-2822

Middle School Students

Safety Smart Kids offers a burn awareness presentation with emphasis on being careful and not taking unnecessary risks. Presentations are available virtually or in-person in individual classrooms, school assemblies, clubs, after-school programs and career days.

To schedule a presentation


or call (818) 907-2822

​Click here for more information about our burn prevention programs

Safety Smart Teens

This free burn awareness and prevention presentation for teens focuses on risk-taking, carelessness, and peer pressure. It is offered both in person and virtually.


To schedule a program, call or email our Burn Prevention Educator, Debbie, at 818-676-4483 or email us at

Safety Smart
Program Curriculum






Copyright 2022 by Children's Burn Foundation, a California nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved.

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This website, including but not limited to the photographs and text, may not be reproduced or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, without written permission from Children's Burn Foundation. 


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