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2 Million
school children
Over the past 29 years, our educational programs have taught more than
In an instant, a child's whole life can be shattered by a severe burn. Without access to comprehensive care, that child and their family will suffer devastating physical, financial, and emotional harm.
Provide child burn survivors and their families with comprehensive healing, from life-transforming surgeries to psychological support until the child is 18 years old, while educating communities on how to prevent and treat burns.
Child burn survivors don't just survive, they thrive -- while communities receive life-saving education to prevent and treat burns.
Children's Burn Foundation heals child burn survivors and their families through comprehensive physical, financial and emotional care, while educating communities in California and across the globe on how to prevent and treat burns.
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​Camp Gung Ho days are free, fun-filled adventures for young burn survivors and their siblings. Camp allows them to forget any stress, have fun, and just be kids.
Camp Gung Ho activities include Knott's Berry Farm, Aquarium of the Pacific, Miniature Golfing, Beach and Surfing,and fire station foam party.

We Help Child Burn Survivors
& Families Become Thrivers
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